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Professional Osteopathy & Physiotherapy Services in London at West 1 Health

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Looking for osteopathy near Harley Street?

Get Back To Full Health Faster & Stronger

Being in constant pain is far from fun, yet it’s estimated that around 20 million of us in the UK live with a musculoskeletal disorder – and in many cases that issue is undiagnosed and untreated.

At West 1 Health we specialise in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions and the pain that comes with them, working hard to ensure our patients have the best possible chance of living pain-free naturally.

We offer both physiotherapy and osteopathy treatment packages and our highly trained and experienced practitioners and therapists are among the very best in the UK.

What is osteopathy?

The word ‘osteopathy’ has its origins in ancient Greek and translates more or less literally as ‘bone pain suffering.’

Osteopathic treatment manipulates the musculoskeletal system to promote holistic health and is focused on the relationship between the body's structure and how the structure affects the body’s function.

Osteopaths use a variety of techniques such as stretching, gentle pressure, and resistance, to diagnose and treat various musculoskeletal issues, but may also employ other approaches such as exercise prescription, dietary advice, and lifestyle modifications to support overall health and wellbeing.

One distinctive aspect of osteopathic medicine is the use of hands-on techniques – known as osteopathic manipulative treatment – to address restrictions or imbalances in the body's tissues, particularly those related to the spine and joints.

Your first visit to West 1 Health Osteopathic Practice

We help relieve your pain quickly with an effective osteopathy treatment that helps you stay free from painkillers, avoid surgery and future injuries. Here's what your first visit looks like:

  • A movement analysis from our head osteopath Rocco Profeta
  • A clear diagnosis explaining your injury
  • Hands-on treatment to relieve any immediate pain or symptoms
  • A follow-up report outlining your recovery programme and timeframes

We understand, assess & then begin treatment

Start with your full case history

We start with a full case history to establish a clear understanding of what happened and why you are in pain. We then do an assessment of your individual biomechanics.

Establish understanding of your full condition

Next, we examine your gait and posture, and palpate the area around the injury to establish an understanding of the full condition. The unique system of diagnosis and treatment of Osteopathy lies in our understanding of that makes the body work from a structural viewpoint, and to re-establish balance and pain free function.

Provide diagnosis, treatment plan & begin treatment

Once we have discussed your diagnosis and treatment plan we will then start straight away in relieving your pain. We combine a variety of different techniques depending on what is most suitable for your individual condition.

This includes massage, mobilisation, spinal manipulation, and dry needling acupuncture. Long term support includes dietary and lifestyle advice and exercise prescription.

Benefits of Osteopathy

Green benefit tick
Unique philosophy for the assessment and treatment of the body
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Based purely on hands on approach, soft tissue and joint mobilisation techniques.
Green benefit tick
Evolving into a multidisciplinary approach to provide best care

Why Osteopathy and not Physio?

Physiotherapy differs from Osteopathy (ever so slightly) by integrating exercises as a core part of their sessions. Physio is also accompanied by the use of some deep tissue massage techniques, taping to help secure the injured joint and acupuncture.

Osteopaths tend to focus more on spinal issues such neck and back pain - but we are trained to see all joints. Both options can be effective, the goal is simply the same - to get you better, but the two approaches are done differently and the way we get you there is through a different journey.

A combination of hands-on therapy and exercise protocol have shown to be more effective to optimise your return to health e.g. Ankle Sprains: Combination of Manual Therapy and Supervised Exercise Leads to Better Recovery, 2013.

The 4 pillars of the osteopathic philosophy:

  1. The body has the ability to heal itself - A strong immune system, optimal blood flow, muscular activation and correct nutrition plan can provide you with all the necessary micro and macro nutrients that you need to heal from trauma or body dysfunction. An Osteopath can help you identify those lifestyle changes that can impact your health and guide you to make those changes.
  2. Structure governs function - If a part of the body is damaged, its function will be impacted resulting in pain and stiffness. It is important to understand the pain generating structures to evaluate the correct treatment plan
  3. The rule of the artery is supreme - Optimal blood supply allows the body to access nourishment and immune cells present in the blood. Identify those area that can restrict blood flow and aim to release them can help improve that process.
  4. The body is a unit - Your body creates movement via to the sum of its parts working in harmony together. If a part of the body is being affected by stiffness, fatigue or trauma this can result into an alteration of the alteration of the quality of movement present at a different area. We as Osteopaths detect any areas that are not moving correctly and address that head on.

Osteopathy FAQs

If I see an Osteopath, what can I expect from the session?

Depending on your presenting complaint, an Osteopath will take a full detailed medical history and will ask about your lifestyle to evaluate causes, or any predisposing factors that are causing your symptoms. A full physical examination and orthopaedic testing will be performed to identify and confirm the pain generating structures. After the physical examination your Osteopath will explain his/her findings and discuss treatment and management options before delivering the treatment. The treatment is always delivered after both patient and practitioner have discussed any risk and/or benefits associated with the treatment of choice. Also, discussing the alternatives available to the patient to allow maximum transparency. Most common treatment options: Joint articulation/manipulation, soft tissue manipulation, medical Acupuncture, exercises or a combination of the above

If I am not comfortable with any of the treatment options and I still need help what will the Osteopath do?

If I am not comfortable with any of the treatment options and I still need help what will the Osteopath do? For us, you are the most important person in the room. When it comes to health, we understand that everyone has a different preference, belief or simply be contraindicated for certain treatment option. An Osteopath will never force those treatment options on you but instead will take the time to understand your story, assess your case and direct you the correct health care practitioner. We work very closely with a wide network of specialised consultant in Central London. This will save you time and stress. We literally have your back!

What’s the difference between Chiropractor and Osteopath?

They both share similar techniques when it comes to manipulation of the joints. However, they have a different philosophy. Chiropractic believe that your nervous system is at the centre of your health and via focusing on the alignment of the spine health can be improved. Osteopathy looks at the body as a whole and does not focus necessarily solely on the spine but how all the joints work together. An Osteopath traditionally incorporate more soft tissue release technique to target inflamed muscle and treat other area of the body that can impact your recovery. Additionally, the prescription of take-home exercises and rehabilitation is used to give you full control over your health and take an active part to your recovery.

What is the difference between a Cranial Sacral and Structural Osteopathy?

Structural Osteopathy is based on modern training where muscle and joint are treated with a variety of hands-on techniques. This involved stretching, joint articulation and manipulation that can help with injuries, joints, muscular pain or simply to sustain healthy body function. Osteopaths often use exercises prescription as part of their holistic approach. This particular approach is what we offer at West 1 Health. Cranial Sacral Osteopathy is based on a gentle application of pressure to the bones of the skull. This is believed to affect the dynamic of the cerebral fluid within the cranium. The pressure applied is minimal and is focus on the harmonic movements of the bone of the skull or to the sacral area (a large triangular bone at the base of your lower back). The concept of cranial/sacral therapy is also based on stimulating your parasympathetic system that often is affected by high level of stress. Some people find real benefits from this particular approach.

Will the treatment be painful?

The treatment options that we offer aim to alleviate the pain and not cause more. Despite our best intentions, occasionally some soreness can be developed from our treatment. It is all normal part of your body response to the healing processes. Pain is not always an indicator of damage. It can be a sign of your immune system reacting while attempting to heal the injured tissues.

Start your recovery today

Take the first step in your recovery by contacting us. We'll speak with you to discuss treatment options and help you book your first appointment for your full diagnosis, recovery plan and treatment.

New Patient BookingOr call us now on: 020 7935 5652