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Physiotherapy in St John's Wood getting you back to fighting fit as soon as possible

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8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am -8pm
8am - 8pm
9am - 1pm

Looking for a physiotherapist in St John's Wood?

Our team of expert physios in St John’s Wood are here to get you back to your usual self.

Living with pain can make it difficult to live the life you want. It can feel as if you’re carrying a huge weight into everything you do. And it can stop you from doing what you want to do. From picking up your children to exercising or even just sitting down comfortably, constant pain is a huge barrier to living.

At West 1 Health in St John’s Wood, we have a team of experts ready to get you back to fighting fit as soon as possible.

We’ve carefully honed our process to make sure we get to the heart of the problem. We start by taking the time to really listen to you. We find out what the pain is stopping you from doing, where it may be coming from and if anything in your lifestyle may be causing it. Next, we will conduct a physical exam to get to know which areas are affected and what the solution should be.

You’ll leave your first St John’s Wood physio session with us feeling like you understand your problem and have been given a clear plan to fix it, totally tailored to you.

Physio services available at the St John's Wood clinic


Our St John’s Wood physios are here to help you reduce and remove your pain, before we create a carefully tailored plan of exercises, lifestyle changes and therapies to prevent the problem from coming back again.

Pain management

Pain management is an effective strategy for those living with chronic conditions. We understand just how miserable a life of pain can be, so we’re constantly adding new techniques and therapies to help you reduce chronic pain as much as possible.


Acupuncture uses natural techniques to reduce pain and relax the body. Our specialist team will help you feel better in just a few sessions, and offer a perfect addition to our other services.

Sports massage

Our sports massage specialists at our St John's Wood physiotherapy practice will help massage out everything from those niggling aches from exercise, to larger sports injuries. Relax in the hands of our trained professionals and leave feeling lighter, brighter and ready to get back out there.

Muscle imbalance screening

Muscle imbalance screening can stop us from carrying around the invisible weights and strains that are created by bad posture, heavy lifting and simple daily activities. Our advanced technology gets to the root of your problem, as well as preventing future issues and strains.

Clinical Pilates

Clinical pilates in St John’s Wood will help you build muscle strength, stretch your body and protect joints with simple but effective low impact movement.

How will I feel after visiting West 1 Health in St John's Wood?

After your session with one of our experts you can expect to feel as if a weight has been lifted. You will feel you have been listened to and you will go home with a clear plan to treat your pain and reduce the chances of it recurring in future.

Many of our patients say that living in constant pain gives them a feeling of isolation. Nobody understands their problem, they’re worried about putting strain on their loved ones who have to take on extra responsibilities and they feel they’re boring people by talking about it all the time. There are activities they can no longer do, and even things like sleeping and sitting comfortably have been taken away by the pain.

Our team are here to help. We take the time to really listen to your problems. You know your body and your pain best, and to get to the root of the issue we pick up on key details to find out the cause and rectify the problem.

Our aim is to get you back to 100% as quickly as we possibly can, and then prevent the problem from recurring.

We’ll also provide support into the future, with a range of services to help you stay on track and keep your body healthy and happy.

Get in touch with West 1 Physio

Take the first step in your recovery by contacting us. We'll speak with you to discuss treatment options and help you book your first appointment for your full diagnosis, recovery plan and treatment.

New Patient BookingOr call us now on: 020 7935 5652